
RFA 1318
Born - March 5, 2013
Birth weight - 6.5 pounds
Sire - BSC 804
Dam - ENA 175
Ewe - Twin

RFA 1319
Born March 5, 2013
Birth weight - 7.25 pounds
Sire - BSC 804
Dam - ENA 175
Ewe - Twin

RFA 1312
Born - February 1, 2013
Birth weight - 7.5 pounds
Sire - NWT 10070
Dam - RFA 0036

RFA 1309
Born - January 28, 2013
Birth weight - 10.5 pounds
Sire - NWT 10070
Dam - RFA 0010

RFA 1314
Born - February 4, 2013
Birth weight - 9.0 pounds
Sire - NWT 10070
Dam - RFA 0004
©Razeck Farms a division of Razeck, LLC
51696 E. Robins Lane, Franklinton, LA 70438
Website built by: Razeck Computer & Web Solutions a division of Razeck, LLC